Earlier this year, I had the fortune to work as a Field Producer for an Animal Planet special entitled “Deadliet Place on Earth”…that place being Australia. I traveled all over the country during my first few weeks living in Australia on my Working Holiday Visa, interviewing survivors who had been attacked by animas such as Great White Sharks, Box Jellyfish, and Kangaroos. I also interviewed their rescuers, and went with them to the “scene of the crime” – the sites where they were actually attacked by the animals.
Working on this special, which was produced by Red Rock Films out of Maryland, was a great way to see the country shortly after I had arrived, though some of the stories were unsettling to say the least!
The show recently aired as part of Animal Planet’s “Monster Week.” Here’s a network promo:
And here’s where you can watch the full show on YouTube. (It costs $1.99 to stream.)