The Nifty Fifty: Visiting all 50 states in one year

Last June, when I was only a few hours into my cross country drive from California back to the East Coast, I pulled over on a whim at the Arizona welcome sign and took a selfie. Then I got to thinking: wouldn’t it be cool if I had a photo of myself in front of the welcome signs for all 50 states? On that trip, I passed through about a dozen states. I pulled over and took a photo in front of each one of them.

Then I got to thinking: if I’m ever going to get this done, I need to give myself some kind of deadline. Could I make it to all 50 states in one year (by June 2014)?

I had already been to the 48 continental U.S. states, but never Alaska and Hawaii. This was my calling to revisit the lower 48, and then to finally head out to the farthest vestiges of the U.S.A. — states #49 and #50!

One year later, I’m happy to announce that I did it! I’ve completed the “Nifty Fifty!”

And took selfies in front of all 50 welcome signs!

Here’s a compilation of me in front of all 50 signs.

Pete Berg in all 50 states

I plan to update this post at a later date to include some details of the routes I took…but in the meantime, enjoy my obnoxiousness / narcissism at its finest. 🙂

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