A friend of mine, Cesar Kuriyama, has created an amazing movement / smartphone app called 1 Second Everyday. The goal is to record one second of every day of your life, and compile a video. The goal is to help you remember every day, and also encourage you to go out and do interesting things.
I’ve been a big fan of the 1SE project for several years now, and I’ve decided that in 2014, I’m going to record one second of everyday.
I’ve already installed the nifty 1SE app, which makes it easy to select your clips and compile your video. I put together an incomplete one second everyday video for 2013 of the random clips that I happened to record:
It’s incomplete, but it gives you an idea of the fleeting little moments that I intend to capture.
This year, I’m going to fully commit and try to not miss a day! So far, we’re 8 days in, and I’m doing pretty well.
Here’s Cesar’s video explaining the 1 Second Everyday project (I actually make an appearance in this video, at :07 – I’m the scientist in the white lab coat, with the robot on a bicycle…of course).
1 Second Everyday
Check back in a year to see my 2014 1SE video! And I encourage you to record your own 1SE videos. 🙂